Personal Taxes

The best known of the personal taxes is Income Tax which operates on the basis of the calendar year as the year of assessment.    Individuals must file a Return of Income for each tax year not later than October 31st in the year following the tax year.   There are concessions for those who file online.

If a Return for any year of assessment is not submitted or submitted late, the tax liability for that year is subjected to a Surcharge.   

A comprehensive summary of Income Tax in the Republic of Ireland would require 200 pages or more.  

Contact us for specific enquiries and please feel free to use the links below to reach certain basic facts and figures:

a Income Tax Rates
a Exemption Limits
a Mortgage Interest Relief
a Civil Service Motor Travel Rates
a Civil Service Subsistence Rates
a Personal Tax Credits


If you wish to know more about our Personal Tax Services or would like to arrange a meeting to discuss in more detail how we can help you, please contact MG Mannion & Co. on +353 (0) 93 27953 or email